Gaavo Lokamataram
Cow was not created by brahma. Being an emariation of the supreme lord Purushottama, the cow became holy and the mother of the worlds. Two terms are associated with the holycow.
1) Pancha Gavya : Milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung, the pentad of cow products. These are used in any pratishta - installation of Hindu vigrahas or deities and in other vaidika rituals.
2) Pancha Amrita : The first three are cow products milk, curd and ghee along with sugar and honey are used in abhishekam – Oblation of deities.
Lord sri Krishna , the yogiwara, First had the darshan of cows every morning. In many temples, every morning a cow with calf is taken first inside and shown to the presiding deity.
Last year a pious lady donated a cow with calf which were named Kamakshi and meenkshi. Thank to her golden hands, within a year the number rose to 12 all from Godaana or cow donatiob.
It is said, that one who donated a cow with calf is safely traversed through the horrifying vaitatini river at death, by the same cow’s tail. Later the donar lives in the celestial world far as many years as there are hairs on the donated cow. His or her ancestors also get liberated. Done in Arunachala, this pious act mulitiplies the results and merits.
A Decent place is in search to establish a go-shala to accommodate at least 108 meritorious cows.
This shall be the first of its kind in Arunachala. The milk obtained shall be partly
- Served to sadhus and devotes
- A portion given in temples for abhishekam.
Kindly come forward generously and donate cows and / or funds for their fodder and maintenance.