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Puja Homam

This is an advanced and powerful of devotional practice. It involves prayers which are special acts of spiritual nature and sacrificial fire to please the various presiding deities. Only priests well versed in mantra sastra and agama/tantra are capable to undertake a homam to successful completion. It is the experience of many that Homa or havana performed to the letter, bestows abundant fruits quickly on the performer. Results can be in any number of ways – peace and bliss of mind, protection from evil or negative forces, fulfilment of justified wishes, health and such matters, marriage, children, family bond and above all spiritual enlightment. some type of homam undertaken at varthaali kuteer are

1) Chandi homam - A Chandi Homa is a prominent Homam and one of the most powerful ones for getting overall Success in all undertakings and removing all kinds of Doshas and Obstacles in one’s life. This Homam also supports a person in gaining victory over Enemies and in Court Cases. In this Homam, an extensive Puja and Homam are carried out for Devi Durga.
Over the years many parties got benifited by this Homam.

2) Ganapathi homam - Ganapathi Homam is a ritual dedicated to Lord Ganesha, performed to seek his blessings and achieve success before imparting on any venture. As per Hinduism, the grace of Lord Ganesha can remove obstacles in life and fulfill any task that you are undertaking

3) Varahi homam - Varahi Homam is a very powerful homam that protects all devotees who are facing evil things happening in their life. Goddess Varahi is the right and powerful Goddess to address problems in life in forms of ill health, black magic, evil eye casting, unnecessary mishaps in life, lack of courage and confidence, fear in performing any task, lack of wealth and status in your society.

Varahi is also called Dandin Devi (Lady Commander of the forces of the Mother-Goddess, symbolizing the might of Sri Vidya). Varahi Homam is performed by invoking Varahi devi followed by the chanting of mantras dedicated to the goddess and then performing the homam.

4) Navagraha homam - The Navagraha Homam is performed to remove all obstacles in life and attain 'Ayur, Arogya and Saukhyam' (longevity, health and happiness). The Homam is performed after conducting a Navagraha Pooja and nine varieties of flowers, nine cereals (Nava Dhanya),nine vastrams (fabric of different colours),and nine types of Naivedyams are used for the pooja. Each Graha is worshipped with a specific flower. Nine types of Chamatas (twigs)are used.

5) Mrityunjaya Homam - Maha Mruthyunjaya Homam is dedicated to Lord Shiva to avoid untimely death. The Mruthyunjaya Homam is performed to achieve Jaya or Victory over Mritya or death. The object of worship of this homa is Lord Shiva

And also, we will do more Homam for devotes needs

Special Poojas

The malefic planetary conjunctions are the phases in one's life when one's aura gets darkened. Such a person is like one groping in the darkness. His thoughts and activities are misguided. The vibrations radiating from him displease others.

It is possible to reduce the suffering due to the unfavorable position of planets through sincere reliance on God, the One who controls the planets. Puja is the act of showing reverence to a god or another aspect of the divine through invocations, prayers and rituals. An essential part of puja for the Hindu devotee is making a spiritual connection with the divine.

The Indwelling Lord cannot turn a deaf ear to a soulful prayer said with an open heart. There are several pujas which people can do for specific events, such as the starting of a business, or the beginning of a journey. The benefit of this type of puja is to remove obstacles.